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Announcing: The VV Production Assistant Training Program

Announcing: The VV Production Assistant Training Program

October 7, 2016

The Varsity Vocals Production Assistant Training Program is a new program designed for anyone interested in learning what it is like to be a producer for the ICCA or the ICHSA. This unpaid program is currently accepting applicants from all of our regions for both the ICCA and the ICHSA.

The program functions as a season-long training where participants will learn all that goes into producing Varsity Vocals events. The program, running from January-April, is split into three segments; Observations, Portfolio Project, and Field Experience.

• Complete observations at regional ICCA/ICHSA events.
• Complete a portfolio project to explore the requirements of ICCA/ICHSA producers.
• Maintain correspondence with the PA Training Program Coordinator and hosts via e-mail and phone in your region, updating them on all pertinent information regarding your events.
• Assist in the marketing of your regional events.
• Attend events in your assigned region for a field-based experience.
• Assist your regional producer on the day of events.
• Check-in with the PA Training Program Coordinator on a monthly basis for the length of the program.
Job requirements
• Live within the region assigned and have access/availability to travel to regional events.
• Basic written and oral communication skills.
• Basic knowledge of Office products (Word & Excel) and Google Apps.

How to apply
Please complete an application and submit an interest letter to Elise Hackl, PA Training Program Director at
. The deadline to apply is November 1.